The Gnostic Rosary
Recently I have taken up praying the Gnostic Rosary for a Lenten devotion. I have made a video on my channel on how I pray the rosary. The video is linked below, and the following is how I pray the rosary as well as the mysteries that I use with the days that they are prayed. On the cross make and pray the “Sign of the Cross” followed by the “Credo” while still on the Cross. On the first bead pray the Gnostic Prayer On the next three beads pray the Hail Sophia while meditating on Faith, Hope, and Love respectively. On the next bead pray the Gloria Patri Announce the first mystery on the Chaplet Pray the Gnostic Prayer on the chain before the first decade. Pray the Hail Sophia ten times while meditating on the first mystery. Pray the Gloria Patri on the chain before the singular bead. Announce the second mystery on the singular bead. Pray the Gnostic Prayer on the chain following the singular bead. Continue this for each mystery and decade until the end of the Rosary. On the Chaplet at the end pray the closing prayer. **Following this prayer I usually kiss the chaplet as a sign of devotion to Sophia, but this is not a standard**. Sign of the cross In the name of the Father, + and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen Credo I acknowledge one great invisible God, the Unknown Father, Aeon of Aeons, who brought forth with His providence; the Father, the Mother, and the Son. I acknowledge the Christos, the self-begotten Son, born from the virginal and ineffable Mother in the high Aeons; who in the Logos of God came down from above to annul the emptiness of this age and restore the fullness of the Aeon.Continue Reading